Lockdown in Goa till 6 a.m on July 24th for Mormugao Taluka

Lockdown in Goa till 6 a.m on July 24th for Mormugao Taluka

Monday the state government has decided to continue with a lockdown in Margao Taluka till 6 on July 24 for containment of COVID-19 Cases, rest of Goa will follow the night curfew till 10th August. Except for containment zones which are governed by the order issued by the collector. 

Goa continues to report a spike in new cases of COVID-19 with 173 more testings positive for the coronavirus on Sunday. Around 180 patients recovered from the disease in the last 24 hours. 

Sunday increased and recoveries, the confirmed cases now stand at 3657 of each 1417 active while 2218 have defeated the virus and 22 deaths reported in the state. 

According to the Directorate of Health Services, the 1417 cases include 140 people who travel to Goa from outside ID by road rail or air.

The majority of COVID-19 cases are under the jurisdiction of Primary Health Centre in Cortalim with 355 cases, while the Urban Health Care in Vasco has 294 cases and Primary Health Centre in chimbel has 94 cases.

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