Despite having 2361 COVID recoveries, no plasma donor in the state

Despite having 2361 COVID recoveries, no plasma donor in the state

The state health authorities have found the cold response to its appeal to the cured COVID-19 patients as regards donating plasma for undertaking convalescent plasma therapy on active patients, the apheresis machine for plasma collection has been already installed at the Goa medical college and hospital.

 it is learned that a single person has donated his plasma till now and plasma collection was carried out on experimental basis, the number of patient in Goa getting cured of the coronavirus transmission up to July 20 is 2361 and in spite of such large number of patients getting well, no one seems to come forward to donate plasma.

Any person who decides to donate plasma should have fully recovered from COVID-19 infection for at least 2 weeks also the person should have no comorbid condition.

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