Goa schools to have mandatory two 'water-drinking' breaks

Goa schools will now have to provide two compulsory 'water drinking break ‘for students every day.

All schools in Goa will now have to provide two compulsory "water drinking breaks" of two-minute duration each for students during school hours every day, a state government official said on Wednesday.

A circular has been issued by the state education department's Deputy Director Mr. Shailesh Sinai Zingde to all the schools, including those that receive financial aid from the government, besides unaided primary, middle, higher-secondary and special schools.  The purpose behind such move is the observation that students do not drink sufficient water which sometimes leads to dehydration, the circular stated, adding that dehydration may have harmful effect on the health of students.

"It is therefore suggested that in every school there shall be a water break of two-minute each after the second period and the sixth period, which shall be indicated by ringing a short bell. 


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